Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Toys for our little boy

We're done shopping for the major baby items that we need! We have a crib, a playard, a steam sterilizer, a breast pump, a gazillion bottles, and clothes. YES! There are still a couple of items that we need to buy, like the Jellybean Sling, a sturdy carrier, and about a dozen more Chino Pinos, but those can wait.

Now that we've crossed the major items on our list, my OHA and I can concentrate on buying fun stuff for our LBJC. NINTENDO DS LITE! Oooops, that's for mommy. Teehee.

There's this really cool waterfall soother from Fisher-Price that I really like. I just don't know if it's available locally.

My OHA wants to buy this for our LBJC:
Actually, we have a super long list of toys that we want to buy. Here are some of the items from that list:

Lamaze First Mirror

Lamaze My First Fishbowl

Lamaze Musical Inchworm

Lamaze Catch & Glow Bug Jar

Lamaze Balancing Bug Stacker