Monday, April 28, 2008

Kool Fever insta-pets

About a month ago, I went on leave for a week due to a really bad case of flu. Since I couldn't get out of bed, I asked my OHA to stock up on Fern-C and Kool Fever. My OHA, however, doesn't know what Kool Fever is so he looked it up online just to make sure what it looks like.

After surfing, he bought my flu supplies and told me that we have to do a "project" involving Kool Fever. It was something he picked up online and he was dying to try it out. I couldn't imagine what we could do with a silicon patch, but believe me, producing an alien-looking worm was the farthest thing from my mind. That's exactly what we came up with.

We soaked discarded patches of Kool Fever in water. After a couple of hours, we had insta-pets that looked like this:

If ever you're sick, buy a couple of patches of Kool Fever and try this little experiment :) This will certainly brighten your day (if you're crazy and demented like OHA and I).

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